Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Do People Love Cats ?

  I have three cats, and all night Ezio has been clambering over my keyboard, pressing buttons and closing windows. Yet no matter what they do, I can't stay mad at them for longer than 3.4 seconds, and I love them more than anything ever. A few days ago, I sat down and thought about why I love my cats so much. Really, they haven't ever done anything for me. They tear up my hats, bat my paintbrushes under the sofa, and I have to clean up their waste on a daily basis. I feed them, house them, keep them safe, and scratch behind their ears. Its interesting how we can give so much to an animal and expect so little, but we expect so much from fellow humans and are willing to give so little. I think the world would be a much better place if we loved humans as easily as we love our pets, and were willing to sacrifice so much for them and expect nothing in return. It's something I've resolved to do - I will try to treat everyone how I would treat my precious kitties. Minus the baby talk and forced cuddling, of course.

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