It must be noted, that the cat life span information
below are averages. Many factors ultimately determine the life
expectancy of your cat. Some cat breeds do suffer from hereditary or
genetic conditions which may reduce the cat's life span.
Cat Breed
Average Expected Life Expectancy (Years)
Abyssinian Cat |
9 +
American Bobtail |
12 +
American Curl Cat |
12 +
American Shorthair Cat |
12 +
American Wirehair Cat |
9 +
Australian Mist Cat |
12 +
Balinese Cat |
9 +
Bengal Cat |
12 +
Birman Cat |
15 +
Bombay Cat |
13 +
Burmese Cat |
15 +
Chartreux Cat |
13 +
Chausie Cat |
14 +
Cornish Rex Cat |
12 +
Devon Rex Cat |
10 +
Donskoy Cat |
12 +
Egyptian Mau Cat |
15 +
Exotic Shorthair Cat |
12 +
Japanese Bobtail Cat |
12 +
Korat Cat |
15 +
Kurilian Bobtail Cat |
15 +
LaPerm Cat |
12 +
Maine Coon Cat |
12 +
Manx Cat |
12 +
Munchkin Cat |
9 +
Nebelung Cat |
16 +
Norwegian Forest Cat |
15 +
Ocicat Cat |
9 +
Persian Cat |
15 +
Peterbald |
new cat breed
Pixie Bob Cat |
12 +
Ragdoll Cat |
15 +
Russian Blue Cat |
10 +
Savannah Cat |
15 +
Scottish Fold Cat |
12 +
Selkirk Rex Cat |
14 +
Serengeti Cat |
10 +
Siamese Cat |
15 +
Siberian Forest Cat |
12 +
Singapura Cat |
12 +
Snowshoe Cat |
10 +
Sokoke Cat |
12 +
Somali Cat |
9 +
Sphynx Cat |
15 +
Tonkinese Cat |
15 +
Toyger |
12 +
Turkish Van |
9 +
How long do cats live? With good veterinary healthcare, medicines,
cat nutrition and a dedicated cat owner, cat's can live to 15 years or
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