Monday, June 10, 2013

Various Cat Diseases

Various cat diseases that you should know

some kind of cat diseases
Cat diseases practically identical to human disease. Disease in cats there is light there is also a group of illnesses that are classified into severe disease. Well here we will try to introduce some kind of cat diseases are classified as mild to severe is arguably the most commonly suffered by pet cats:

  • Cat Flu
Cat flu can occur due to contracting other cats, the weather, rain, and because their immune declining. Symptoms similar to the flu and human flu sneezing. Did not cause death in adult cats, but can be fatal if the kitten attack.
Prevention, you can quickly dry out the cat fur is wet because of rain or because of water play. If your kitten flu, consult a veterinarian immediately to the nearest.

  • Skin disease
Skin disease in cats is usually caused by a tick bite, the parasite, or fungus as well. It may seem trivial, but it would make it uncomfortable to hold and look at. The cat also will certainly suffer because they do not get affection caress.
Prevention of course with regular bathing and hygiene and cat cage.
For treatment, you can apply anti fungal lotion, or if its many fleas, bathe him with anti-lice shampoo or powder can also give anti-lice. But for kittens under the age of 3 months, you should consult with your veterinarian.

  • Ear Infections
Characteristics are out the odor of the cat's ear or ears also visible swelling or blisters. Usually happens because a lot of germs in cat ears.
So, prevention is the best move would have been to frequently clean the cat's ears using cotton buds moistened the edges. if you are infected with ya traded drops are sold in pet shops.

  • Back pain
Could occur due to people being hit or falling from a height. Traits that may be detected is shaking when the cat was about to stand up from his nap. The cat reluctantly held her back. There is no wound in the leg, but the course of a limp. And frequent loss of balance when walking or standing.
Treatment, you can apply balm to sprain probably used by humans.

  • Feline Infectious Enteritis (FIE)
Occurs due to the number of white blood cells in the body of the cat's pretty much downhill. These diseases include infectious disease and can lead to death of the cat. The disease is also common in kittens.
The characteristics of cats with FIE include fever, diarrhea, no appetite, and vomiting. The best way to treat it is to immediately take him to the nearest vet and reliable.

  • Distemper
This disease is also called Feline panleukopenia is caused by a virus that damages the intestine. Actually, this disease can attack all animals and included a deadly disease for animals. According to the study 25-90% cats with distemper will experience death.

  • Psychogenic Abnormal Feeding Behaviour
This disease is not a physical illness, but mental illness that can attack the cat. Characteristics are the cat has excessive obsession towards food. Usually cats will become aggressive if there is food or he would meow loudly when it was time to eat

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